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“Living It Up is the most amazing place. Everyone is really happy, the staff are the best and we learn loads of cool new things.” 


'Our mission is to continue to provide innovative, exciting and empowering social and educational opportunities for adults with disabilities and/or autism.'

Donate to

Living It Up Events


Donate to

Performing Arts Centre


Donate to

Gig Buddies


Donate to

Gr8 Mates


Any donation is gratefully received, no matter how small. Please choose a project to donate to where you can set up a one-off or a regular donation. If you or your organisation/business would like to sponsor an event or project we would also love to hear from you. 

If you would like to organise a fundraising event or help us with organising ours, we're always hugely appreciative of an extra pair of hands or two! If you have any old instruments, sound/lighting gear, stage props, fancy dress, stationery or equipment you think we could use then please get in touch. 

A huge thank you to all who have donated to Living It Up projects.


Mr Smith - £200 to Gig Buddies

Andy P for some amazing guitars and pedals

Slide records for donating raffle prizes

Sound Arc Studios in Shefford for donating a drum kit and bass amp

NCS fundraisers for donating a laptop and art supplies




Registered Charity (1199155)

St Cuthbert's Hall, Newnham Street, Bedford, MK40 3JR

07964 067443


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